Be fully informed about essential oil safety from an expert not affiliated with any brands!
Use them safely + Enjoy all benefits
Serving over a million essential oil users for 12 years with brand-free essential oil education
Be fully informed about the essential oils you use!
Essential Oil Safety Made Simple™ takes the guesswork out of the common question, “is this essential oil safe?” Using the color-coded system I created makes essential oil safety...simple!
Be fully informed about the blends you use!
Cut through the marketing lies and see for yourself the truth about the blend so you can make informed choices!
Be fully informed about the brands you use!
Finally discover which essential oil brands offer accurate safety information, which ones provide unsafe essential oils for sale, and more!
Let's use essential oils safely together!
Everyone deserves to make an informed decision when it comes to using essential oils as a health tool, but navigating a complicated and unregulated industry can cause confusion about safety and usage if you’re not in-the-know.
With the popularity of essential oils growing every day, more people are suffering from dangerous adverse reactions due to unawareness of safety contraindications, drug interactions, and safe usage.
It's my mission to empower you with all the relevant safety info ahead of time, before you or your family gets harmed.
Lea Jacobson has empowered over 1 million health-conscious families in the last two decades using her superpowers of curiosity and research including certifications as a Health Coach, Herbalist, and Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. Additionally, Lea serves health care professionals and doctors as a professor and Essential Oil Safety Expert at Essential Oil Safety ACADEMY®, which she founded in 2021. Lea's book is required reading for HUHS aromatherapy program.
DISCLAIMER: You may have a serious health issue that requires medical attention. The information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider about any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking care because of something you have read here. Read full disclaimer here.
© 2024 Lea Jacobson, CCA | Using Essential Oils Safely | UEOS, LLC | All Rights Reserved.